The mysterious aspect of the lynx cat gave it a prominent role in Greek and American cultures. So, they consider it as the symbol of the unraveling of truths.

The lynx cat is a carnivore mammal that lives in the remote forests of Europe, Asia and North America. Its largest species is the Eurasian, whereas the smallest are the Canadian and the bobcat.
Some countries cherish it so much that they consider it a ‘national animal’.
Among them we find North Macedonia, which displays its picture on the 5 denar coin (the local currency).
Known for being solitary and elusive, this wildcat is rarely noticed by humans; because it takes advantage of its strong hearing and eyesight capabilities to hunt at night.
On the dinner menu we find all sorts of animals, including reindeer, deer, foxes, sheep, mice, turkeys, and even birds and goats.
The mysterious aspect of the lynx cat gave it a prominent role in ancient Greek and American cultures. So, they consider it as the symbol of the unraveling of truths. They also attribute to it numerous superpowers.
For instance, the Greek claimed that the wildcat’s urine transforms into a precious stone similar to amber.
The following video is a perfect illustration of the mysterious aspect and behavior of the lynx cat.
It shows two lynxes talking to each other and screaming in a very strange way.