A newspaper exposé written by British journalist W.T. Stead, “The Maiden Tribute of Modern Babylon” sounds just like the sordid sex ring of Jeffrey Epstein.
The quality of a cup of coffee depends on the coffee’s origin, its roast and the water chemistry. The brewing way plays a big role in the overall flavor.
A project to investigate ancient Greek music has generated stunning insights into how ancient Greeks made music; the songs of Homer, Sappho, and others.
There is a striking contrast between Edison’s image of individual ingenuity, and the reality of intensive, production-line invention that he pioneered.
The coronavirus that has triggered an outbreak of a deadly respiratory illness in China this winter has a surprising origin: Wuhan krait and cobra snakes.
The new human coronavirus outbreak is linked to a market in Wuhan, which sold meat and live animals. The virus causes severe pneumonia symptoms such as running nose, fever and sore throat.
Lebanon is located on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean. Its capital, Beirut, is located on at a midpoint of Lebanon’s coast 10,691 km far from the US.
Elvis Presley recorded the song “If I Can Dream” just two months after the murder of Martin Luther King, Jr. Both were born and raised in the Deep South.
It will take 217 years for women to achieve equal pay according to the WEF. So we can expect many stories such as the case of Carrie Gracie at the BBC.