Mainland Europe has always been essential to Britain’s prosperity. When the relationship with Europe is poor, the lot of ordinary Briton is poorer for it.
The debate over the place of cars in cities may seem like a recent one, but in fact was raging well before the first automobile even saw the light of day. To better understand, let
The concept of a circular economy which is actively supported by influential institutions such as the Ellen MacArthur foundation, or EU research programs.
The beauty of puddle waves is no small thing by itself. By connecting nature with its primal language – mathematics – we gain access to its control panel.
Papp’s fight to monitor her mother’s care reflects a reasonable fear. About 1.3 million Americans live in nursing homes, and elder abuse can be a killer.
The Beatles’ album “Abbey Road” holds a special place in the hearts of the band’s fans. But few realize how groundbreaking its tracks were for the band.
The Russian scholar, Andrei Fursov, explains in this video the reason why the British authorities insist to keep Rudolf Hess’s files classified until 2050.
Based on almost 7k peer-reviewed research, the report is a cutting-edge crash course in how human-caused climate breakdown is changing our ice and oceans.
Traditional passwords are something you know. Biometric features are something you are. Unlike passwords, biometric data can’t be changed if it’s stolen.
New research estimates that $420 billion in corporate profits is shifted out of 79 countries every year. This equates to $125 billion in lost tax revenue.
Backpfeifengesicht may join other German words that have found a place in English, like Weltschmerz (world-weariness) and Zeitgeist (spirit of the time).