The suit alleges these companies deceptively and illegally promoted opioids and that they failed to investigate, report, maintain effective control, and take steps to terminate suspicious orders of the highly addictive prescription drugs.
Workers timekeeping software was the focus of a study that documents how it could be used to facilitate wage theft. And it’s just the tip of the iceberg.
The story of the rise and fall of mathematics in Göttingen has been forgotten, but its legacy survives in other mathematical powerhouses around the world.
No woman in history has ever been afforded such lavish media coverage. Maybe Diana, Princess of Wales. For now, Kim Kardashian is never out of the media.
In 1929, Faulkner was a newlywed who had recently moved out of his parents’ on the University of Mississippi’s campus to an apartment a few blocks away.
Nevada bill will compensate men and women wrongfully convicted in the state for the years they spent behind bars and grant them certificates of innocence.
January 31, 2019 is the centenary of Bloody Friday 1919, in which thousands of protesting workers were attacked in Glasgow’s main civic square by police.
Mount Etna slide is caused by gravity, which makes a collapse more likely but we can’t give an indication of when or even if this will actually happen.
Europe is seen more expansively and positively in the German textbooks. Unlike the English books, German materials presented clear loyalties to Europe.