The American patent system was designed to stimulate innovation, but some citizens argue that it’s hurting innovation and limiting access to technology.
Fifty years ago, an American B-52G bomber, carrying four nuclear bombs, crashed onto the sea ice of Wolstenholme Fjord in the northwest corner of Greenland.
A Chinese boy keeps watching his father directing traffic in the rain. They did not see each other in ten days due to special rainstorm traffic duties.
Bikini Bottom, SpongeBob’s home, is based on an actual place in the Pacific Ocean, the location of 23 U.S. nuclear weapons tests during the Cold War era.
Virtual reality offers cheap emotions; whereas real experiences connect us to the deeds of past people and place us in contexts where history was made.
Swatting 13 home runs, waving American and Japanese flags, clowning with kids and even donning a kimono, Babe Ruth won the hearts and minds of the Japanese people.
Picked up by fiction writers such as Dan Brown, many people think of antimatter as a theoretical idea – unaware that it is actually produced every day.
Scientists are now desperate for their calculations of the future to fail and to provide guidance on what we should be doing to make the next intellectual leap.
How do they support themselves and their families, all while having to diligently train, often several hours a day over the course of years? How did I pull it off?
“What’s the best free throw?” Should the shooter aim towards the front of the hoop or the back? Does it depend on whether the shooter is short or tall?
The Indian Railways company has received 28 million applications for its 90 thousands new positions, opened as part of a $130 billion modernization plan.
On April 1 1989, Thomas Muster was struck by a car, forcing him to miss the final of the Lipton Championships. Six years later he becomes N°1 in the world.
Starting from March 1st 2018, the Swiss government banned the common practice of boiling lobsters alive. They “will now have to be stunned before they are put to death” as stated in the government order.
Uwe Huck, the head of Porsche works council and deputy chairman of Porsche supervisory said that evening work-related emails should be returned to sender.
PHILIPPINES SUSPENDS DENGUE VACCINE BECAUSE OF HEALTH RISKS The Philippines decided to suspend its dengue immunization program because the used vaccine poses health risks in people who were not previously infected. The decision comes after