Category: Politics
Serbia Requested Sending Security forces to the Republic of Kosova
What Does the Speaker of the House Do? Here’s What the New Speaker Will Have for A Job
FTC Prepares to Ban ‘Non-compete Agreements’ – What They Are and Why
Russia’s Rouble Is Now Stronger Than Before the War – Western Sanctions Are Partly To Blame
5 Things to Know About the Fed’s Biggest Interest Rate Increase Since 1994 and How It Will Affect You
3,100 Aircraft Worth $35 Billion Lie Unused in Arizona’s Boneyard
The U.S. Is Banning Russian Oil Imports, but an Embargo That Includes European Allies Would Have More Impact
Jeffrey Epstein’s Associate Found Dead in Paris Cell
The Ruins of Democracy
French and Russian Military Frigates Had a “Professional Interaction” in the Black Sea
63% Of Workers Who File an EEOC Discrimination Complaint Lose Their Jobs

We found that at least 63% of workers who filed a complaint eventually lost their job. And about 40% of workers reporting experiencing employer retaliation, such as verbal abuse or being passed over for work opportunities like training or promotion, for filing a claim. At 46%, employer retaliation was most common for sex discrimination cases.
If a Satellite Falls on Your House, Space Law Protects You
German Chancellor Candidate Vows to Increase Military Spending

Armin Laschet, the conservative German candidate running for chancellor, said that Germany must increase its military spending. In 2021, it has increased again by 3.2% to US$63.8 Billion; but it’s still below NATO’s target of 2% of GDP. To meet that target, Germany’s military spending has to increase to at least US$66 Billion.
Boris Johnson Infuriated By Macron’s Northern Ireland Remark
Human Artifacts on Moon Officially Protected by New US Law
Why Can’t the IRS Just Send Americans a Refund or a Bill?
Ukraine: Rapid Escalation of Conflict in 2014 Has Lessons for Today
The US Is Worried About Its Critical Minerals Supply Chains
An Australian Space Command Could Be a Force for Good — or a Cause for War
Twitter Stock Plunges After Trump Account Suspension
What Is a Tariff? An Economist Explains
How Reagan’s notions of a ‘good society’ resonate with Trump supporters today
U.S. Department of Justice Sues Yale University for Race Discrimination

The United States Department of Justice (DOJ) sued Yale University for the alleged discrimination against White and Asian applicants. The lawsuit was filed on Thursday October 9, 2020 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Connecticut. It accuses Yale University of illegally considering the race of the candidates in its admission decisions.