Physicists at Colorado State University have developed a facility that allows researchers to deliver a slow and realistic deep space radiation exposure.
We asked 252 left-wing supporters and 252 right-wing supporters to do some simple math. Their answers changed when we told them it was climate change data.
Musk is reported to be planning for up to 12,000 satellites in low Earth orbit. But this fleet of satellites could forever change our view of the heavens.
Out of the 600 bacteria we found, nearly half were MRSA and multidrug resistant, meaning they were immune to treatment from several types of antibiotics.
Discovering a new drug is one of the most challenging tasks in biology. It takes over 10 years and about US$2.6 billion to bring an average drug to market.
UN Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) and the European Space Agency (ESA) signed a joint statement on their wish to cooperate on the challenge of space debris.
The final baboon species, the chacma baboon from South Africa (known for raiding tourist vehicles to steal treats) is predicted the worst habitat loss.
Despite the endless string of unpredictable digits that make up pi, it’s not a random number. And it actually contains all sorts of surprising patterns.
The story of the rise and fall of mathematics in Göttingen has been forgotten, but its legacy survives in other mathematical powerhouses around the world.