Electronic Arts Servers Are Reportedly Down


August 9, 2022 – Users have reported problems of connection and access to Electronic Arts (EA) servers. Apparently, the company is witnessing a serious outage that is causing issues such as loss of connection, failed

Tech Firms Are Making Computer Chips With Human Cells – Is It Ethical?

Although the name and scenario are fictional, this is a question we have to confront now. In December 2021, Melbourne-based Cortical Labs grew groups of neurons (brain cells) that were incorporated into a computer chip. The resulting hybrid chip works because both brains and neurons share a common language: electricity.

The War in Ukraine Ruins Russia’s Academic Ties With the West

russian academy of science

Russia has dissolved academic connections with the West through legislation on so-called “foreign agents” and “undesirable organizations.” The government ramped up scrutiny of foreign funding and outlawed dozens of Western think tanks, charities, and universities that previously had worked in Russia.

The Ruins of Democracy

The original idea of ruling on behalf of The People and by their will has evolved through time, and piles of values and mechanisms have been stuffed into its edifice. However, the stuffing has been

Russia Blocks Tor, Accusing It of Enabling Illegal Content

Russia has decided to block the Tor network, accusing it of facilitating the access to illegal content. Tor is short for The Onion Router. It is a free global service aiming to conceal users’ locations and traffic; allowing them to avoid lawful and unlawful monitoring.

63% Of Workers Who File an EEOC Discrimination Complaint Lose Their Jobs

We found that at least 63% of workers who filed a complaint eventually lost their job. And about 40% of workers reporting experiencing employer retaliation, such as verbal abuse or being passed over for work opportunities like training or promotion, for filing a claim. At 46%, employer retaliation was most common for sex discrimination cases.